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Other Churches Proclaiming God's Sovereignty
Updated 17 July 2024
(Disclaimer: Pilgrim Bible Church does not endorse any of these churches as the only thing we know about most of them was gathered by surfing these churches' websites. We do hope this list will be an useful aid for people in other parts of the country in their search of locating a good, faithful Bible-based church.) This list will be continually updated.
Jackson Gap
Trinity Baptist Church
This Sovereign Grace Baptist Church adheres to the 1689 London Baptist confession.
Grace Covenant Church
Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Phoenix Reformed Baptist
Church PRBC holds
to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Immanuel Baptist
Church A Southeren Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist
Pine Bluff
Calvary Baptist
Church A Sovereign Grace Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist
Reformed Baptist
Church of North San Diego County Holding to the
absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the primacy of preaching, the
sovereignty of grace, the simplicity of worship, and the spirituality of the church.
La Mirada
Trinity Reformed Baptist
Church Our one purpose as a church is to glorify the triune God, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. Everything we do is with this overriding desire. "Not unto us, O
Lord, not unto us, but to Your name give glory," (Psalm 115:1). Under this umbrella
we have several underlying purposes.
Livermore Reformed Baptist Church
We endeavor to glorify God through dignified worship and the preaching
of His word. We seek to make all services interesting and meaningful, but we make no
effort to entertain.
Morgan Hill
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon
Valley Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon VSovealley,
assembling in San Jose, CA., was organized on the Lord's Day, June 19, 1994, with 20
members as an assembly of regularly-baptized believers, covenanting together in the
context of the scriptures, as delineated in the church covenant, to glorify God and to
serve him after the inspired pattern of the new testament church. The First and Second
London Baptist Confessions of Faith were taken as the general expression of the
assemblys doctrinal convictions, identifying the church with the biblical and
historic faith of the Regular or Particular Baptists, commonly called
Agape Chapel
Agape Chapel was a Calvary Chapel type church to whom God blessed with an understanding of
the Doctrines of Grace. They are now a Reformed Baptist Church. Lots of
interesting material at their website.
Reformed Baptist Church As Reformed Baptists , we declare belief in the
doctrines of Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Definite Atonement, Effectual
Calling and the Perseverance of the Saints. Though it is true that many great preachers of
the past have preached these doctrines, we believe them not for this reason, but for the
reason that these doctrines are so clearly presented in the Holy Scriptures.
Immanuel Baptist Church Immanuel Baptist is a Reformed Baptist church devoted to the truthful expounding
and opening up of God's Word through our times of meeting. We hold Sunday School for all
age groups, followed by the morning and evening sermons. We try to set the Lord's Day
aside in our behavior. We do this by providing a quiet and reverent atmosphere in the main
meeting hall at all times. This helps our brethren prepare their hearts to meet with God
in His worship.
First Baptist Church A church proclaiming God's sovereignty. They also practice family
worship (as does Pilgrim Bible Church!).
Grace Fellowship Church
Grace Fellowship Church is a Reformed Baptist Church. We hold
to the classic formulation of Baptist theology (which has its roots in the reformation
period), the London
Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, The Apostle's Creed, The Nicene Creed, Creed of Chalcedon, Athanasian Creed,
and most importantly to the authority and teaching of the Bible as the final rule for a
believers faith and life!
Virginia Suburbs of Washington DC
Sovereign Grace
Baptist Church We believe in the absolute
authority of the Bible as God's infallible guide and rule in every area of life. We
believe that men are sinners condemned to eternal separation from God unless they repent
of their sins and trust in the finished and perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ--who
while being fully God, became man and lived, died, and was raised from the dead in order
to save His people from their sins. We also believe that the Bible teaches that salvation
cannot be earned by any amount of "good" works a man can do, but rather it is a
gift of God. Where this gift is bestowed there is always a changed life which is evidenced
by a growing love for Jesus Christ and an increasing obedience to His Word.
Coconut Creek
Emmanuel Reformed
Baptist Church We invite you to come and worship with us
on the Lord's Day. Our web site will provide you with our location, times of
services, contact information and much more.
Cornerstone Bible Church
This Church holds to th 1689 London Baptist
Orlando Grace Church Orlando Grace Church is a congregation of believers called out by God to
join their lives together in services to Jesus Christ. We are committed to:
Exalt the Lord through Spirit filled Worship, Equip and edify people towards
Christ-likeness, Extend the Kingdom of God.
Reformation Baptist Church
A Church commited to the Doctrines of Grace.
Flowery Branch
Grace Baptist Church
This Sovereign Grace Baptist Church's web-site contains many interesting articles.
Faith Baptist
Church A Sovereign Grace Baptist Church.
Shiloh Baptist Church This Reformed/Sovereign Grace Baptist Church hosts the excellent Shiloh On-line Library.
The Baptist Tabernacle The Baptist Tabernacle is a Reformed Baptist church located in Jesup, Georgia. Founded in 1969 the church is committed to preaching the "faith once for all delivered to the saints" and to extolling God's wonderful and amazing grace through Jesus Christ His Son.
Heritage Baptist Church Heritage is a Reformed Baptist Church seeking biblical accuracy and Christlike
character throughout our entire ministry. We are careful to worship God in reverence and
in the beauty of His holiness; we desire to have our Lord's heart and compassion for lost
souls who need the love and grace of the Saviour; and we teach the truths of Scripture and
nurture one another in the love of our Lord.
Grace Baptist Church In keeping with the faith of our Baptist
forefathers, we adhere to the following biblical formulas: Faith Alone, Grace Alone,
Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, and Glory to God Alone. Any church that departs from these
declarations of truth ceases to be properly balanced in faith and practice. As a
confession of faith before the world, we adhere to the doctrinal statements of The
London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. This time-tested document sets forth
sound doctrine that leads to godly living, and gives a solid foundation for church
doctrine, worship, and polity.
Port Cities Reformed
Baptist Church Holding to the absolute authority of
Scripture, the centrality of God, the primacy of preaching, the sovereignty of grace, the
simplicity of worship, and the spirituality of the church. Member of the A.R.B.C.A.
(Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America).
Christ's Covenant Church
Christ's Covenant Church has as its purpose to bring glory to God by making
as many people as possible fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. CCC holds tenaciously
to the doctrines of God's sovereign will in matters of salvation and sanctification while
at the same time fully embracing Christ's command to make disciples of all nations.
Christ's Covenant Church is commited to Paul's model of disciple making as outlined in 2
Timothy 2:2: "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses
entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."
Kansas City
The Master's Community Church
Here at The Master's Community Church, we desire to glorify God in all that we do. We take
the call of II Timothy 4:2 to "Preach the Word" seriously. It shows. First of
all, our pulpit is central to the fellowship, and we take care to systematically exposit
the Word of God. Each book is expounded verse by verse, thought by thought, and precept by
precept beginning with verse one going all the way through the book. Our study time is
anything but boring.
Reformed Baptist Church
A Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Baptist Church We are a small Independent (Calvinistic) Baptist Church
proclaiming the Doctrines of Grace and adhering to the Baptist Confession of 1689.
Bossier City
Grace Reformed
Baptist Church We are "Reformed" in our theology, because we
embrace those biblical truths and practices that were central to the Protestant
Reformation, including: The Sole Supremacy of Scripture,
The Sovereignty of God, The Depravity of Man, The Work of Christ, The
Necessity of Repentance and Faith, The Perseverance of the Saints, The Centrality of the
Church, God-centered Worship, Systematic Bible Preaching & Teaching, Vital Spiritual
Life & Practical Holiness, Spiritual Fellowship & Service, and Evangelism &
Missionary Outreach. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist
Baptist Church Grace Baptist Church
holds to the classic formulation of Baptist theology, which has its roots in the
Reformation period. We hold tenaciously to the inerrant, infallible and sufficient Word of
God as found in the sixty-six books of the Bible (this being our final source of faith and
practice). Our official confession of faith is the London Baptist Confession of Faith of
1689. We also hold to the historic Creeds of the Church (the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian
Creed, the Apostle's Creed and the Formula of Chalcedon); and although we hold to the
London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, we agree with the Baptist Faith and Message
2000 of the Southern Baptist Convention as being a trustworthy statement of faith.
Feeding Hills
Grace Baptist Church
Reformed Baptist Church where we exist to Worship
the King, Serve The Lord, Learn The Word, Enrich Your Life, and Build Lasting Friendships.
South Yarmouth
Cape Cod Bible
Fellowship CCBF is
a conservative, Bible centered church. We hold to a Reformed doctrine of salvation and are
Baptist in practice.
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church The Bible, inspired, inerrant and authoritative is our only certain and
infallible rule of saving knowledge, faith and obedience. We find the teaching of the
Bible to be faithfully represented and succinctly summarized in the London Baptist
Confession of Faith of 1689. This Confession serves as our doctrinal
standard, under the Word of God.
Grace New Covenant Church
Grace New Covenant Church is committed to the proclamation of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. We purpose to know nothing but Him, and Him crucified. Our
teaching is best defined by the time-honored principles of true Christianity: Scripture
Alone, Christ Alone, To God Alone the Glory, Grace Alone, Faith Alone.
Reformed Baptist
Church We seek to glorify God through honorable worship and the preaching of His
word to all. The greater part of each service is normally given over to expository
preaching. We endeavor to make each service interesting and meaningful, but we make no
effort to entertain.
Sault Ste. Marie
Reformed Baptist Church
The purpose of the Reformed Baptist Church is to glorify the God of the
Bible by maintaining and promoting His worship, by evangelizing sinners, and by edifying
His people.
Berean Baptist Church A Southern Baptist Church that holds strongly to the Doctrines of Grace.
Their well designed website has a good description of who they are, as well as a
clear presentation of what Calvinism is.
Audobon Drive Bible Church
ADBC is an evangelical church whose
confession of faith rests upon the doctrines of the Reformed faith. Our prayer is for
Reformation and Revival according to the doctrines recovered during the Protestant
Reformation inasmuch as they are according to our only infallible rule, God's Holy Word.
Our doctrinal statement is grounded in
the historic truths recovered at the Reformation -- Sola
Scriptura Soli
Deo Gloria Solo
Christo Sola Gratia
Sola Fide
Bridgetown Baptist
Church We, the congregation of Bridgetown Baptist Church, are an independent,
God- fearing and God loving family oriented church providing Biblical answers to life's
problems. We purpose, by God's grace, to carry out the Great Commission in our setting. We
will go into our community with the gospel of the Sovereign Grace of God in the Finished
Work of Jesus Christ, discipling those who believe to Historic Christianity as defined in
the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. We will celebrate our faith in traditional
Christian worship; we will evangelize and train our children; and we will support faithful
gospel missionaries at home and abroad through direct gifts and prayers, looking always to
Jesus Christ, the Foundation of our church.
Kansas City
North Pointe Baptist Church
The Pastors invite you to join us at 10:00 AM Sunday for biblical
preaching and Christ-centered worship (nursery provided). Bible Study groups for children
and adults meet after the morning assembly. A carry-in dinner with warm fellowship follows
our Bible Study time each Lord's Day. Visitors are welcome; plan to spend the day! NPBC is
located in the Northland area of Kansas City, Missouri.
Grace Baptist Church
If you are looking for a church that takes the Bible and the worship of God seriously,
then come visit us! We are a friendly group of people committed to the fellowship of
the saints, the worship of God and the preaching of His Word. We use the 1689 London
Baptist Confession as our doctrinal standard.
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
A well designed website feautring Real Audio Sermons,
articles, links and more.
Grace Covenant Baptist Church
A Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Albuquerque (Sovereign Grace)
Baptist Church The Doctrines of Grace are
believed and cherished among us. We boldly proclaim the absolute sovereignty of God in the
salvation of His beloved people, preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified to all,
withholding Him from none!
Trinity Baptist
Church A Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Preaching, teaching and applying the doctrines of God's free and
sovereign grace.
Oklahoma City
West Bible Church Northwest Bible Church is a local body of believers who are
committed to the principle of Soli Deo Gloria ("the Glory of God Alone"). We
embrace many of the truths of the protestant Reformation, especially their emphasis on the
sovereignty of God in the salvation of sinners. We believe in the sole sufficiency of the
Word of God to guide us in matters of faith and practice. Most of all, we rejoice in the
sovereign grace of God which has granted to us repentance toward God and faith in our Lord
Jesus Christ who alone is able to wash away our sins by His shed blood. To God be the
glory forever and ever.
Sherwood Baptist Church
We are here for God's glory, to learn about God, to build families, and we are here for
Sovereign Grace Bible Church A
Reformed Baptist Church located in the Willamette Valley. Their website includes
information on who they are, what is a Reformed Baptist, and the 1689 London Baptist
Grace Baptist Church
The goals of Grace Baptist Church center around the worship
of the Lord of Scripture, the building up of God's people in the truth of Scripture, and
the evangelism of those outside of Christ's saving influence. Our chief concern is the
proclamation of the central message of the Bible: the truth about the Person and Work of
the Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason our public services emphasize preaching and
teaching as God's appointed means of bringing people into His kingdom and furthering the
work of His Church.
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
The preaching at Providence Church proclaims the
sacred message conveyed by God to the writers of Holy Scripture and displayed supremely in
the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our authority is, therefore, the inspired,
infallible, inscripturated Word of God. Our doctrinal standards are found in the London Baptist Confession of Faith
of 1689 and the Shorter Catechism (Baptist
Version, 1991).
West Chester
Grace Covenant Baptist Church
We at Grace Covenant have a message of hope! Our exalted Creator who
has made us and the world we live in has plainly spoken to us in His Word. In the Bible He
tells us that our one main problem is the cause of all others . Our sinful selfishness has
separated us from our holy God. Instead of seeking His glory and following His ways, we
have turned to satisfying our own desires. God tells us that in this life we often suffer
the consequences of not obeying Him. Additionally, we are in danger of eternal retribution
if we ignore His sober warnings and gracious Invitations.
Reformed Baptist Church A Reformed Baptist Church.
Free Grace Baptist
Church We emphasize in-depth study of the Scriptures, and contemplative,
reverent worship in the tradition of the Great Reformation. We proclaim the sovereign
Lordship of Jesus Christ over heaven and earth, and seek to live under His dominion in a
way which is pleasing to Him and according to His word. As our name implies, we proclaim
the grace of God, given by Him according to His free and sovereign election, to as many as
He has chosen to eternal life. These great truths have gone by many names over the
centuries (e.g., Doctrines of Grace, Reformed, Calvinism, Sovereign Grace), but we
proclaim them not out of any esteem for the opinions of men, but because they are derived
from the pure word of God as given to us in the Scripture. We are committed to living our
lives so as to please God, and we esteem these Biblical truths to so honor the God who has
saved us and called us to proclaim the good news of this gospel.
Grace Baptist Church Grace
Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church: we hold to the great doctrines of the
Reformation. This church is an active member of the Association of Reformed Baptist
Churches in America.
Grace Baptist Church
Grace Baptist Church of Kingsport is a Reformed Baptist
congregation, holding The London Confession of Faith of 1689 as the fullest expression of
our beliefs. Of course, the Scriptures alone remains our ultimate authority. Still, we
regard the Confession to be an excellent summary of the Bible's teaching in many areas of
The Reformed Baptist Church of
Nashville Their well designed web-site features info on
who they are, what they believe (1689 LB Confession), their ministries, free tapes, links,
missions, and more.
Heritage Reformed Baptist
Church This Southern Baptist Church holds steadfastly to the Doctrines of Grace
and uses the 1689 London Baptist Confession as their doctrinal stand.
First Baptist Church of
Parker Excellent website featuring articles, real
audio and video presentations and more for this church who is preaching God's Sovereign
Grace to the Dallas Metroplex.
Baptist Church In the summer of 1985, a group of
Christians covenanted together to form The Providence Baptist Fellowship for the purpose
of advancing the Kingdom of God upon the earth to the glory of His Name. After two years
of careful study and prayer, we formed The Providence Baptist Church of Tomball, Texas. As
such, we seek to gather together for worship, instruction and fellowship as well as to go
forth and actively proclaim the Gospel at home and abroad. Our desire is to be patterned
by and submissive to the Word of God in all matters of faith and practice.
Grace Baptist Chapel
A New Covenant Reformed Baptist Church.
Their website gives information on when and where they meet as well as a few links.
Baptist Church Emmanuel Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist congregation. We
meet every Lord's Day for worship, instruction, and fellowship. We seek to glorify God
through reverent worship and the preaching of His Word. We also include in our worship the
singing of hymns, the reading of Holy Scripture, the offering of our gifts to God, and
Woodbridge (Dale City)
Sovereign Grace
Baptist Church We believe in the absolute
authority of the Bible as God's infallible guide and rule in every area of life. We
believe that men are sinners condemned to eternal separation from God unless they repent
of their sins and trust in the finished and perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ--who
while being fully God, became man and lived, died, and was raised from the dead in order
to save His people from their sins. We also believe that the Bible teaches that salvation
cannot be earned by any amount of "good" works a man can do, but rather it is a
gift of God. Where this gift is bestowed there is always a changed life which is evidenced
by a growing love for Jesus Christ and an increasing obedience to His Word.
Reformed Church A Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist
Grace Community Church
A church who is committed to preaching God's
Sovereignty. Several on-line sermons are to be found on their website, as well as a
few hymns that the pastor wrote.
Grace Church
This New Covenant Reformed Baptist Church's web page includes several
excellent resources.
Pilgrim Bible Church A New Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. The website includes real
audio sermons, articles and information on who they are.
Providence Reformed Baptist Church Their website includes information on who they are, what they believe and many Reformed Baptist links.
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